Categories: Aeration

What payment terms does ER Lawn Care offer?

We offer three different payment options, each requiring a credit card or ACH on file:

  • Prepay: Save money up-front by paying for a year’s service. You’ll have access to a discounted rate.
  • Month-to-month: Contract our services for the month and receive a final bill at the end of the month for all work completed.
  • Annual monthly contract: We split our annual rate up equally over 12 months from your sign-up date.

How do I sign up with ER Lawn Care?

Signing up with ER Lawn Care is easy on our online platform. Simply add your desired services to the cart and check out with your preferred payment method. You will get an email notification confirming your order as we begin processing your request.

Once we’ve confirmed your order, we will send you an onboarding email with instructions on how to access our client portal. This portal helps you interact with our staff and keep your services all in one place. You’ll also get a notification of when you can expect your first service to begin.

Please note that all orders placed outside of regular business hours will be processed the next business day. In addition, properties exceeding half an acre require a custom quote. This applies to commercial properties as well.

What are ER Lawn Care’s billing terms?

ER Lawn Care requires payment in full upon sign-up for services less than $2,000. With our receipt of this payment, we begin your contract, schedule your services, and secure the materials necessary for completing the work.

How can I schedule notifications?

Our client portal makes it easy to schedule notifications for upcoming service visits. Navigate to your dashboard to see past services information as well as any scheduled services.

What is aeration/seeding?

Aeration describes the process of removing plugs/cores from your lawn to help the roots gain access to the nutrients they need to survive. A machine similar to a lawn mower removes these plugs from the lawn.

Seeding takes advantage of the aeration process to bulk up your lawn’s growth and fill in any patchy spots.

Why does ER Lawn Care aerate and seed?

We aerate and seed to reduce soil compaction and thatch buildup, which can cause stunt the growth of your lawn. The cores/plugs removed by the aerating machine allow more oxygen to flow through the soil. Seeding helps to promote fresh growth for areas that are bald and patchy.

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